Bird Mite control in Melbourne
Found all over the world, including Australia, the Bird Mite is a small but extremely mobile mite, barely visible to the naked eye. Bird Mites are semi-transparent in colour, which makes them difficult to detect on skin until blood is ingested and then digested, when they may appear reddish to blackish.
Bird Mites are arachnids, and like spiders they have eight legs and a combined abdomen and thorax. They can easily be distinguished from spiders because the head and thorax-abdomen are fused to form an oval body, whereas in spiders the head is clearly separated from the thorax-abdomen.
Contact with humans usually occurs after birds gain entry to roof cavities of our homes and businesses to construct their nests. However, some infestations also occur from birds roosting on the outside of dwellings such as window ledges or awnings. Bird Mites normally feed on the blood of birds. When the birds leave their nests, the mites disperse and infest nearby buildings. They may move into living spaces in houses, climbing on walls, ceilings and bedding, looking for a blood meal. Bird Mites are extremely mobile but do not jump or fly.
Bird Mites have a short life cycle, but can rapidly generate large populations. Although they may feed on human blood, bird mites are not able to complete their life cycle on humans and they do not burrow beneath the skin.
The greatest impact on us from bird mites are usually experienced in rooms close to the point of entry of the mites. EPC – Enviro Pest Control advise that the problem will persist while the bird-related source of the mites remain. Until the infestation is controlled, the occupants of the building can experience considerable discomfort.
Identifying and removing the source of the infestation is a critical part of effectively controlling these pests.
The most common bird mites found in Australia are the Red Poultry Mite and the Northern Fowl Mite.
- Bird Mite (Northern Fowl Mite/Starling Mite) (Ornithonyssus)
- Approx. 0.05 mm long
- Transparent in colour turning darker when engorged with blood
- Oval shape with sparse covering of short hairs
- 8 legs (larvae has 6)
- 5 stage life cycle
- Red Poultry Mite (Dermanussidae)
- Adults less than 2 mm long
- Oval ins shape with 8 legs (larvae has 6)
- Eggs are laid in the cracks around nests and roost sites
- Colourless or white turning to a bright red or grey-black colour when fully engorged with blood
- Can complete its life cycle in as few as 7 days
- Nocturnal species, spending the day resting in cracks and crevices, at night, they attack the birds and feed for up to 2 hours
- Usually found in birds’ nests, and feed on the blood of birds such as pigeons, starlings, & sparrows
- Transmitter of a number of poultry diseases including Salmonella and Newcastle virus.
- Adult mites can survive without food for several months
Some other Mites include;
- Flour Mite/Grain mite (Acarus siro)
- Approx. 0.5 mm long
- White or pale brown in colour
- Slow moving
- Life cycle 9–11 days
- Scabies Mite (Sarcoptes scabiei)
- Less than 0.5 mm long
- Itching and rash may not develop for up to one month after you have been infected with the mites
- Itching is usually worse at night or after a hot bath or shower
- Prefers to burrow and lay its eggs in skin that is soft and protected. So common areas to get scabies are the wrists, between the fingers, folds of the armpit and elbow, the groin and the creases of the bottom
- Newly hatched mites are spread over the body by scratching
- Scabies is contagious and spreads quickly. If you have scabies, the whole family may need to be treated
- Dust Mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus)
- Approx. 0.5 mm long
- Light coloured with pale stripes
- Dust mites don’t bite. Their bodies, secretions and faeces contain particular proteins that can trigger allergic symptoms in susceptible people
- The house dust mite has been associated with a range of respiratory and dermatological allergies
- Can trigger respiratory or dermatological conditions including asthma and eczema
- Life span of around two months, depending on the conditions
- Rodent Mites (Ornithonyssus bacoti)
- Very similar in appearance to the bird mite
- Transparent in colour turning darker when engorged with blood
- Life cycle takes around 2 weeks
- Couchgrass Mite (Aceria cynodoniensis)
- Transparent to whitish-yellow colour with some darker markings on the outer edge
- Active throughout summer
- Very short life cycle, so can take hold quickly and cause extensive turf damage
- Can overwinter in the grass blades and then start reproducing in spring
- Believed to be a native species
Disease and Contamination from Bird Mites
Although not associated with any infectious diseases, bites from Bird Mites cause discomfort, severe skin irritation, and may result in secondary infections from scratching.
Do not risk it, a small infestation can increase exponentially. Call EPC – Enviro Pest Control now.
Signs of Bird Mite Infestation
Signs of the presence of these pests may be:
- Swelling and a rash
- Intense itching and some irritation, especially at night or in the early morning, which is a result of the saliva they inject when feeding. Symptoms are sometimes described as including a ‘crawling’ sensation
- There may be numerous small red papules and blisters
When these signs are noticed, it’s important to act quickly to eradicate the source. EPC – Enviro Pest Control is familiar with these pests and have the experience to eliminate them.
Why choose EPC – Enviro Pest Control?
If you live in Melbourne and have a Bird Mite problem of any size, you should choose us to help you solve it because:
- EPC – Enviro Pest Control technicians are Trained Specialists and are very experienced at getting rid of Bird Mites
- We arrive on time
- EPC technicians are discreet, friendly and professionally presented
- Fair priced service with advice to help prevent Bird Mites returning
- EPC – Enviro Pest Control service methods for Bird Mites are proven to be effective
If you need to speak to a professional about Bird Mite Treatments in Melbourne, call (03) 9988 5066 now.